Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Persons of Interest - Seriously?

Like EVERYONE else, I loved Lost. Sure, I understand if you missed it from the very first episode, you were essentially - lost. But it was brilliant. Great characters, great story lines, great mysteries. You go, JJ Abrams! Well done!

And then there's Fringe, which is also great. Each episode gets wrapped up at the end, BUT there's a bigger mystery that connects them all. I tip my hat to you, JJ. Huzzah! Heck, the White Tulip episode is one of the best of all TVdom.

(Although ironically, I just watched the season opener of Fringe and I found myself totally lost. Wait, where are we? What's going on? What's happening back then over there in the future?)

So it was with great anticipation that I found myself watching Persons of Interest - yet another Bad Robot production. It has the creepy leader of the Others from Lost (Michael Emerson), it has Jesus (Jim Caviezel), and it has the writer from Dark Knight (Jonathan Nolan). This thing is going to be off the CHAIN, yo!

Um, no.

Not only is it still connected to the chain, it's locked up in the back yard. I felt like I was watching one of my parent's cop shows - CSI, Law & Order, NCIS, Blue Bloods - take your pick.

When something just so totally sucks as much as this, I cannot go over the inanity of the plot with you. That's just bad AND dull. There is a 'twist', but it's the kind you find in the preface of the Junior Twist handbook. Oh, and concerning character development - within the first 7 minutes Jim Caviezel goes from homeless derelict loner on the train to super spy in a smart looking suit (and then fashion forward jeans and smart looking leather jacket) who cares about people. And apparently Michael Emerson has a limp. It's hard to tell.


Eye roll...


I don't see how Persons of Interest will hold a person's interest.

I'm disappointed, JJ. Very disappointed.

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