Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Loose Change

I watched a documentary last night on the Netflix. Loose Change. It's about 9/11 and how we did it to ourselves. Specifically, Bush and the power elite - to us. It's a conspiracy theory video.


Where is the wreckage of flight 93? Where is ANY video footage of ANY plane hitting the Pentagon? It's the PENTAGON - no surveillance? And why do the twin towers and WTC 7 seem to free fall as if there were controlled demolitions at play? They collapse into themselves in 8.4 seconds. How are these the ONLY steel buildings (in all of history) to collapse because of fire? Also, why are there explosions seen in the lower floors of the towers as they fall? What the fuck IS that? The weight of it all falling perfectly down?

Is this all a planned Pearl Harbor catalyst event? I ask because if the hijackers were all from Saudi Arabia, why did we go into Iraq looking for Saddam Hussein? How's the math work on that?

That happened, right?

The film is fascinating. It is. I mean I guess any conspiracy theory is fascinating because it makes you think. Like what the fuck happened to Kennedy? Magic bullet, what? Why does he grab his throat BEFORE his skull explodes?

We all know that rabbit hole goes deep.

And so does this.

I'm not saying I believe everything in this film, but it does bring up some pretty weird coincidences and points of fact. You can check it out here and here.

Of course, it's debunked here and here.

Who the fuck knows? No matter who did it, how it happened, and whatever else - it's terrifying. Period.

Although, I suppose if the conspiracies are true, then it's more terrifying.

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