Friday, September 16, 2011

Jersey Shore - tv show, short bus

I've been to New Jersey. There's a reason it's called the garden state. It's beautiful. I've heard there are parts that are not so pretty. The part I saw was pretty.

And, of course, there's Springsteen.

Love. Springsteen.

But then there's this TV show called Jersey Shore. There's a good chance you've seen it, or know about it. I've seen it. There was so much buzz and ballyhoo I HAD to see it. So I found it on the Mtv and watched it.

A) I'm probably too old for this show.

B) I'm probably too old for the Mtv.

Jersey Shore is fascinating in the way all reality tv shows are fascinating. It's a car accident. It's human nature to slow down, peer into the smoking wreckage, and look for body parts. Call it rubbernecking. Call it bloodlust.

Or call it ratings.

In school, or at home, somewhere you learned NOT to make fun of the people on the short bus. These people were often called retarded, or retards. There, I said it. Retards. It wasn't nice to make fun of them. It's still not nice to make fun of them. And further, if you're politically correct, you don't even use that word. You say mentally challenged. Of course, you might say m'tarded among close friends. Whatever.

Jersey Shore is a show about the people on the short bus, and if that short bus was in a car accident. It really isn't nice. You watch them drink and yell and fight and make fools of themselves. I feel bad for them - the cast. I mean, with their residuals, tv commercials, and other endorsements, I don't feel THAT bad. But I feel bad that they are retarded, on fire, and covered in blood. In real life I would call 911, get out of my car, and do what I could. Absolutely. I know it. But with this, I can't even slow down to look. I don't want to. Am I above it? No. Do I find it shameful, sad and embarrassing? Yes.


I guess I just roll up the window, and drive on...

It's a town full of losers, and I'm pulling out of here to win...

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