Monday, September 10, 2012

Hard Math

Good news: I found my bike bag with my keys and wallet.

Bad news: For about 1/2 hour, I wallowed in the hard math of canceling credit cards, remembering what other cards and passes would have to be replaced, getting a new drivers license, getting all new locks for the condo building, getting all new keys for the condo building peeps, getting new car keys, changing the lock on car, etc.


Long story short, it had fallen off when I was riding. Once I figured it out, I rode against traffic retracing my steps. (Stupid) But I also made the Office Depot people search through their security tapes because that was the last place I was. (Desperate.) But that was after looking in all the trash cans like cop show procedural. (Pathetic.)

All the hard math was making my head and chest explode as I. And then my cell phone buzzed. A couple from Green Bay celebrating their 25th anniversary had seen my bag on the street and picked it up. They had called my gym and my gym was now calling me. I called the couple and met them where they were about to order dinner. I thanked them, I hugged them, I bought them dinner.

'No, we're fine,' they said.

'I did all the math,' I said. 'You don't have a choice.'

TEXT: Thanks again. Your dinner is just like me... all taken care of. Happy 25th anniversary!

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